How to welcome your new puppy at home?

Nov 22, 2020

There is just a few moments in life that can emotionally match the feeling when your family welcomes its new furry baby. And since we consider four-legged pets as full family members, let's take a look at how to prepare a home they will be happy in. 

Feeling safe in the first place

Keep in mind that coming to a new home can be stressful for your puppy. It will be separated from its Mom and siblings for the very first time. So it is good to show your puppy a few "checkpoints" from day one, where it will feel safe.

A dog bed is the first one. It's a sanctuary, where the puppy can rest after a whole-day exploring of the new world. If possible, ask the breeder to give you a piece of cloth/blanket from the puppy’s Mom and place it into its new bed. Her smell in there is going to create a secure feeling and help your puppy to get used to its new place. Try to respect the bed belongs to the puppy exclusively, so none of household members should interfere in it. When you choosing a new bed, you'd probably want it to fit into your interior, but it's the functional features which are important the most. Especially during the puppy age, when the baby is not housetrained yet, you should choose one that is washable and maybe even made of water-resistant material.

The second safe spot is the space where your dog eats and drinks. Bowls should be chosen ideally together with a pad, thanks to which the puppy will not spill water or food all around your apartment. We recommend to have two bowls - one for food and one for water.

Hygiene tips

Since the puppy should not go out much until its second vaccination (cautious veterinarians recommend until the third one), puppy pads will be definitely an essential part of your everyday gear. Even at the time when you start walking the dog, it's better to still keep some at home. Dogs up to 6 months do not fully control the anal sphincters, so an accident here and there cannot be excluded and it's good to have a permanent place at home where your puppy could go to "do its business“.

Puppies are super playful and always full of energy. As soon as they begin to discover the world, they're eager to experience everything firsthand and you can be sure that one day it's going to roll in something reeeeally smelly. Despite the fact that it is better not to bath dogs until the age of six months, in cases like this when it's really necessary to do it, you should be prepared and have a truly gentle shampoo designed specifically for puppies on hand.

Discovering the world outside 

Be sure to get well equipped for the first walks. Your gear should include a light-weight leash and puppy harness or collar. For such a little pup we recommend to use rather a harness. A dog wearing a harness is manageable better, he will not slip out of it and will not be pulling his neck at all. Moreover, the developing of fragile cervical spine and breathing tube will not be strained. If you prefer a collar, choose a wider one, made of soft material and adjustable in a reasonable range - after all, your puppy will grow very fast.

How about a playtime?

Your puppy is on a mission of exploring the whole new world and wants to play. All the time. It's more than certain, your furry baby will see toys in everything around him, so if you don't want your hands scratched or your shoes and furniture all chewed up, it is worth buying a few dog toys.

Besides the fun, you should also consider the functionality. Chew toys are a great idea for puppies as they renew teeth soon and need to massage their sensitive gums. Whereas interactive toys help develop skills and entertain the dog for a longer time.

Even a puppy has to gain energy somewhere

A puppy is simply one large bundle of unbridled energy. This energy spent by playing, walking and learning has to be compensated by quality nutritious food that supports a proper growth and healthy development. For the first few days we recommend to take some food from the breeder and feed the dog with that. Then you can slowly start mixing it with small amounts of your preferred food. The digestive tract will have time to acclimatize and get used to the new diet composition. This process usually takes about 10-14 days.

Now you know all the basics you should have in mind and ready for your new family member and can start to look forward to a day you bring your puppy home. Enjoy every moment together!

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