5 Rules how to train your new puppy

Feb 29, 2016

With the right training you will achieve the goal and your dog will become a companion, who you can trust and who will be accompanying your life with joy. We are bringing the basic rules to be observed during the training.

Rule No. 1: Start immediately

If you have a chance to raise a dog from the early puppyhood, do not wait and start to get the puppy accustomed to the name and to walking on the first collar and leash as soon as the puppy is two months old or once you bring him home. After all the necessary vaccination you can continue and explore together your neighborhood, streets around your house and all other places where the puppy feels safe. Then you can add up a bit of adventure for him such as noisy streets with cars, meeting people, letting people touch him, hearing another dogs barking or meeting dogs in the dog parks. Start slowly...everything must be a great experience.

Hunter Pet Store

Rule No. 2: Advanced commands

From the third month you can start with more advanced commands. The most important one is "Come here!". If your puppy follows you anywhere you go, use it and you will teach him this quickly. Then continue with commands like “Sit!“, “Down!“, and „No!“. The next month add “Fetch!“, „Stay!“ and walking at a heel on the leash and from five months also off leash. Then you can continue with searching for items and getting accustomed to grooming care. Remember, everything you do with the puppy should be some kind of a play, so the puppy is always excited to get into it.

Rule No. 3: Rewards

During the first six months of the puppy’s life you have a great opportunity to teach the puppy the basics and a few advanced commands, which he/she will remember throughout the entire life. Be patient and praise the dog for every fulfilled task appropriately. A great reward for the dog are small treats made of high-quality ingredients. Just be careful not to overfeed the dog in this phase.

Hunter Pet Store

Rule No. 4: Time to play

Do not train the little puppy all the time. Let your doggie also fool around and play, because that’s the best part from the puppyhood. As we were children, school was boring for us, puppy could feel the same way. So a couple of minutes, a few times a day, some commands done during the walk etc. could do it too. Just be patient and consistent.

Rule No. 5:

Always remember, that a dog is live creature having the basic biological needs like thirst, hunger, cold or hot, therefore be very patient and rather reward than punish. And if the dog does something wrong, try to find a mistake in yourself first.

You are a leader for your dog, that’s why you should be the one the dog admires and has a respect to, not the one the dog is afraid of.

Love your dogs and show them your love often. Your dog will behave the same as you do... Enjoy every second of this parenting!

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